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From budgets to targeting, to name ID, a low-turnout, down-ballot election is a different beast than a statewide election in an on-year.

Do Big Things understands that – so we move to meet the electorate where they are. We were proud to help Sarah Parady develop a winning direct mail strategy for her Denver City Councilmember At-Large race. 

The targeting strategy:

The campaign didn’t have the budget to target the entire universe of likely voters and because the election was happening in the spring of 2023, there were no statewide or national elections that would help bolster turnout. 

Do Big Things worked with Sarah for Denver to create a mail audience that targeted traditional municipal election voters, young voters, and new voters since 2016. This universe was built to make the most effective use of her limited budget and gain her the best bang for her buck. 

The plan was to make sure that Sarah was focusing on reliable municipal voters but also adding new voters that might get overlooked by other campaigns that consider both their likelihood of voting – and voting for Sarah. By including these low-information voters and being their only source of data, we were able to effectively increase Sarah’s reach. 

With younger voters, we knew that Sarah’s bio was resonating – and that these voters were more likely to be galvanized to vote in local elections after the Dobbs ruling. 

When it came to frequency, instead of a large program with two mail runs, the mail program focused on municipal voters and high-turnout federal election voters with four mail runs. A smaller, reliable universe meant DBT was able to focus on multiple issues that resonated with voters.

The messaging:

Sarah for Denver and Do Big Things created a mail piece that emphasized Sarah’s plan for Denver’s housing crisis, centered on the theme “Housing is a Human Right.” The mail piece concisely outlined Sarah’s vision and credentials (having begun her legal career at the height of the financial crisis, she spent a decade with Colorado Legal Services to help Denver residents in danger of losing housing). It also highlighted her specific policy goals to help make affordable housing a reality for everyone in Denver, regardless of ZIP code. 

The outcome:

After a tight race, Sarah claimed her spot on the council!

Sarah was the only member of her political slate to work with Do Big Things on direct mail – and the only candidate who won.

We’re proud to have been a part of this progressive victory for Denver. 

“I am certain that the mail made a difference. Do BIg Things knocked it out of the park, and I’m so grateful. When I run again, I will have you all on from the beginning with your full set of services”

Sarah Parady,
Denver City Council Member At-Large

Want to partner with DBT on getting your message out via direct mail, paid advertising, organic social, or various other methods? Be in touch. 

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